
அறிவுடையார் எல்லா முடையார், arivudaiyar ella mudaiyar

Best? Practices

There’s no such thing as “best practices,” as there is no one way to arrive at knowledge, or any such thing as expertise or a single way of knowing, being, or enacting. What I offer here are practices, lessons, and tools that have become mainstays in my teaching practice–many of which I might have already blogged about–and that are “best? practices” that I keep modifying and updating to reflect the living, fluctuating nature of the classroom and of my own health and well-being.

Lessons and Classroom Modules


Online Teaching.

This blog post reflects on tools for digital teaching details my use of Slack, Flipgrid, Twine, Hypothes.is (with DocDrop if it isn’t integrated into the LMS), and Yellowdig across media studies and composition and rhetoric classrooms. It also touches on tools like Write or Die (v2), editMinion, Etherpad, Flickgame, and Twitter as writing environments that can be preferable to LMS platforms and as platforms on which to stage class activities.

Pandemic Pedagogy (Spring 2020).


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